Dagens tips söndag 2024-02-18

Germany announces wide-ranging plans to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of political dissidents, in order to better control the "thought and speech patterns" of its own people

"After Germany’s defeat in 1945, Walter Ulbricht returned from exile in Moscow to become one of the founding politicians of the DDR. The new state, he said, “must look democratic, but we must have everything under control.” It has been 80 years since Ulbricht spoke those words, and while the DDR has faded away, their spirit lives on in the political establishment of the Federal Republic. Our present rulers are doing everything in their power to re-establish pseudodemocracy in the West. This is not a mere eugyppius exaggeration, and it is not sensationalism for internet clicks. It is what our politicians themselves are saying."

En mycket oroväckande utveckling kan skönjas i Tyskland. Man tycks vara på väg mot DDR 2.0. När kommer Sverige att smittas av samma "sjukdom"? Tendenserna finns redan.

Läs vidare på EUGYPPIUS. 
