Dagens tips måndag 2024-09-02

Free Speech in the Cross Hairs

"A Global Surge in Government Censorship and Digital Control

James Lyons-Weiler Sep 01, 2024

“Individuals - all individuals - must stand up and continue to use their rights to free speech and disempower those who would enslave all of our minds.”

August 31, 2024 — Free speech faces unprecedented challenges in an increasingly digital world. Governments across the globe are ramping up efforts to control, suppress, or outright ban speech that contradicts their narratives or threatens their authority. Recent incidents in Brazil, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, alongside established censorship practices in China, Russia, India, and Turkey, reveal a disturbing trend: the battle for free expression is intensifying, and the digital realm is the new front line.

Recent Crackdowns and Government Overreach

In August 2024, several alarming incidents underscored the vulnerability of free speech:"

Läs vidare på Popular Rationalism. 

Yttrandefriheten ligger illa till. Hur skall demokratin kunna överleva utan en fri debatt och verklig yttrandefrihet? Väst är inte längre frihetens försvarare utan dess dödgrävare. Hur kunde det bli så? Svar: Den framväxande totalitarismen och oligarkstyret i världen.
