Dagens tips lördag 2024-05-25

Global Conflict or the Pursuit of Peace

"For the past two and a half years, America has sent billions to Ukraine. Even with this support from America and the West, Ukraine has not been able to push Russia out of its territory. Despite sanctions and Western condemnation, Russia is stronger now than it was before the war. U.S. and NATO leadership recognize the stalemate in Ukraine. It is considering the idea of deploying NATO "advisors" directly into Ukraine to support the war to shift the balance of power. We have reached a unique moment with the revelations made during the peace talks in 2022 and Russia's openness to return to the negotiating table. To seek escalation over peace would mean war between the U.S., NATO, and Russia, resulting in global conflict between nuclear powers.

Before we escalate this conflict further, we must try to prevent more bloodshed and any potential for a world war. Both sides have reached a point where they can claim to their people that they met their objectives and pursue a pragmatic peace that avoids further war. America can and must lead this peace effort."

Ett meningslöst krig som bara skadar USA, Europa och faktiskt alla inblandade måste få ett slut. Ingenting tyder på att Ryssland kan besegras på det sätt som kriget hittills har bedrivits och vill vi verkligen ha ett fullskaligt världskrig med kärnvapen? Sverige är inte neutralt längre (Nato och DCA) och kommer att bli direkt inblandat. Att Ryssland skulle vilja expandera kriget till andra länder än Ukraina förefaller osannolikt, så varför inte ta chansen att avsluta eländet och spara tusentals liv.    

Läs vidare på Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America
