Dagens tips fredag 2024-01-19 (Extra)

How to Make Covid-19 "Appear Like a Small Disturbance"

"The World Economic Forum (WEF), representing Western financial elites, played a pivotal role in instigating the March 11, 2020 COVID-19 lockdown, which contributed to a global upheaval in economic and social stability. Additionally, it actively supported the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine in November 2020, a move that has been widely reported to have led to a significant increase in mortality and morbidity on a global scale.

Now, they are hinting at a forthcoming crisis that is projected to be even more severe than the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the past four years, commencing in January 2020, we have witnessed a deliberate orchestration of chaos as part of an extensive and intricate agenda. This includes events such as the conflict in Ukraine, the surging energy prices, the deliberate triggering of bankruptcies, the collapse of economic activity, and the widespread emergence of poverty, famine, and despair.

The following article highlights the perils of Cyber Warfare, a concern initially raised by the World Economic Forum in 2020."

Artikeln beskriver riskerna för att vår utveckling går och kanske drivs åt fel håll med katastrof för mänskligheten som följd. Det är ett amerikanskt perspektiv men det kan lika gärna vara ett svenskt. Om vi inte knyter oss alltför starkt till internationella organisationer, skulle vi kunna klara oss bättre. Det arbetet måste starta nu, om det inte ska bli för sent.

Läs vidare på A Lily Bit. 
