Dagens tips torsdag 2024-07-18

EU-domstolen fördömer von der Leyens vaccinkorruption

Miljardavtal i skymundan, hemliga SMS och vilseledande uttalanden. EU-domstolen slår nu ned på von der Leyens kommission.

Dan Eriksson Jul 17

I en smått överraskande vändning har EU-domstolen slagit ned på Ursula von der Leyens EU-kommission i en dom som avslöjar den djupa bristen på transparens i unionens hantering av covid-19-vaccinavtalen. Denna dom, som kommer dagen före en avgörande omröstning om von der Leyens återval som kommissionsordförande, kastar en mörk skugga över EU:s redan ifrågasatta legitimitet.

För dem som följt alternativa media är detta ingen överraskning! Ursula von der Leyen borde inte bli omvald utan snarare åtalad för korruption. 

Läs vidare på Friborna tankar. 


Dagens tips onsdag 2024-07-17

Ett brott mot pressfriheten utan motstycke i modern tysk historia

"Förbudet av Compact Magazin är ännu ett led i försöket att kväsa oppositionen i den tyska förbundsrepubliken, men är till sin natur ändå något helt nytt.

Dan Eriksson Jul 16

I morse, den 16 juli 2024, dog pressfriheten på allvar i Tyskland. Vid sextiden stormade poliser redaktion, kontor och bostäder som tillhör mediahuset Compact Magazin. Bland annat redaktionen i Falkensee, samma ort som jag själv bodde i 2015-2018 och där mitt tidigare mediaprojekt Motgift hade kontor och studio, fick besök av ett femtiotal poliser. Man beslagtog datorer, telefoner, möbler, bokföring, dokument och allt man kunde hitta."

En svensk version av gårdagens artikel om den förlorade pressfriheten i Tyskland. 

Läs vidare på Friborna tankar. 


Dagens tips tisdag 2024-07-16 (Extra)

German Interior Minister bans AfD-adjacent "right-wing extremist" magazine, raids homes of editorial staff, seizes assets, in the latest effort defend democracy by abolishing our democratic freedoms

eugyppius Jul 16

Compact editor-in-chief Jörgen Elsässer opens his door to masked special operations police this morning, following the Interior Ministry ban on his publication.

Compact was a German magazine founded in 2010 by the former leftist Jürgen Elsässer. With a circulation of 40,000, it was a vocal supporter of the nationalist wing of Alternative für Deutschland. In December 2021, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution declared Compact to be a “confirmed right-wing extremist” publication, and today Nancy Faeser, the Federal Minister of the Interior, banned it outright. Early this morning, police raided Compact editorial offices and also the homes of Elsässer, his employees and shareholders.

Within hours of the raids, Faeser offered this statement:

Today I have banned the right-wing extremist Compact magazine. It is a central mouthpiece of the right-wing extremist scene. This magazine incites unspeakable hatred against Jews, against people with a history of migration and against our parliamentary democracy.

Our ban is a hard blow against the right-wing extremist scene. The ban shows that we are also taking action against the spiritual arsonists who are fuelling a climate of hatred and violence towards refugees and migrants and want to overcome our democratic state. Our signal is very clear: we will not allow ethnicity to define who belongs to Germany and who does not. Our constitutional state protects all those who are treated with hostility because of their faith, their origin, the colour of their skin or their democratic stance.

I would like to thank the security authorities at federal and state level for their closely coordinated and consistent measures. I would particularly like to thank the forces who have been searching various properties since the early hours of the morning

Verkar vara på samma nivå som att förbjuda och konfiskera Samhällsnytt. Vart är Tyskland på väg?

Läs vidare på eugyppius. 


Dagens tips söndag 2024-07-14 (Extra4)


"Demokratiska partiet och dess Djupa stat misslyckades i går att lönnmörda president Trump. Skottet avfyrades av en prickskytt från en tak med fri sikt på scenen, där president Trump höll valmöte. Secret Service hade inte säkrat detta tak, men lyckades på något sätt likväl skjuta mördaren. En person i publiken blev lönnmördarens offer."

"Dessa instruktioner gavs medarbetarna i en så kallad nyhetskanal:"

Se originalet!

"Resultatet av dessa och liknande uttalade och inte uttalade regler och instruktioner för agitprop och fake news blev bland annat följande lika avsiktliga som absurda lögner:"

Läs hela artikeln på Larry N.F. Eastman's Secret Counsil. 

Ett patetiskt exempel på hur MSM hanterar nyheter. Verkligheten bara inte får beskrivas utan narrativet måste följas.


Dagens tips söndag 2024-07-14 (Extra3)

EU vs. X: Digitala Storebror slår till mot yttrandefriheten

"Vi var många som varnade för DSA: Nu försöker de tysta det (relativt) fria ordet på plattformen X.

Dan Eriksson Jul 12, 2024

I en oroväckande utveckling har EU-kommissionen nyligen riktat sina klor mot Elon Musks sociala medieplattform X (tidigare Twitter). Detta är ytterligare ett exempel på hur den nya lagen Digital Services Act (DSA) används för att kväva yttrandefriheten och öka EU:s kontroll över det digitala landskapet."

Nu börjar effekterna av censurlagen synas. Enligt uppgift (se föregående tips) har Google och Facebook accepterat kommissionens villkor för censur. 

Läs vidare på Friborna tankar. 


Dagens tips söndag 2024-07-14 (Extra2)

Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the outrage?

Journalists such as Michael Shellenburger, Matt Taibbi and myself continue to expose the corruption, censorship, and fraud.

Robert W Malone MD, MS Jul 13

Musk has confirmed that the following text, as well as the video from Michael Shellenberger, is all true:

The totalitarianism we warned of is happening. The European Union is at this moment forcing big tech companies to secretly engage in mass censorship. Google and Facebook are, apparently, going along with it.

Only Elon Musk’s X, among the major platforms, is resisting.

A few hours ago, Musk said, “The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 did not.”

And so now, the EU is preparing to punish X with massive fines — up to 6% of total global revenue.

I can't imagine a more egregious form of foreign interference in our domestic affairs than foreign governments demanding mass secret censorship for ideological and political purposes.

Most terrifying is the apparently direct involvement of government intelligence and security agencies, and their intermediaries, in demanding censorship.

This is all happening at the very moment that the same governments, including our own, warn of Russian disinformation through spam accounts that hardly anybody ever sees.

Don’t be fooled by what is happening. Governments and former intelligence officials in Europe, Australia, Israel, Brazil, and Ukraine and other nations are not only demanding censorship but also often spreading their own disinformation. For example, the EU claims that there is more false information on X than on other platforms, and more censorship would reduce it.

This is false. Only X has the open-source Community Notes system, which allows for real-time corrections to false information. A recent study in JAMA, the Journal of American Medicine, found that 97.5% of the Community Notes were entirely accurate, 2%, partially accurate, and 0.5%, inaccurate.

It’s not perfect. I myself sometimes disagree with them. And of course, science is never standing still, so what appears accurate today might not be accurate in the future.

However, X’s Community Notes uses more speech, not censorship, to provide context to controversial content. You can still agree or disagree with the content, even with a Community Note attached.

What the EU wants is for its committees of experts, not Community Notes, to secretly decide what we can read and say online. This is unethical and unconstitutional.

Another key part of the EU’s disinformation is that “researchers” should have access to X’s internal data, which Musk cut off when he bought Twitter. But those people who want the data aren’t researchers. They’re censorship activists, many of whom have deep relationships with governments in general and intelligence agencies in particular.

If the EU succeeds in censoring X, Facebook, Google, and every other major Internet platform, then there is no free speech. There is only government-controlled speech.

Many people rightly worry about the implications of a single man, Elon Musk, being all that stands between us and foreign governments’ totalitarian censorship plans. I worry about that, too. Our speech is inalienable. It is not something governments give to us.

We need to fight back. While we should be grateful to Musk for standing up to the totalitarians in Europe, Brazil, and Australia, we must build a citizen’s movement to fight back.

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Betänk devisen i föregående tips!
