Dagens tips lördag 2024-07-27

On grid stability

"Readers of this site will be more aware than most of the difficulties involved in eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from electricity grids. The policy preference for wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels renders the objective still more taxing. Those sources’ intermittency is well understood, and is generally regarded as the primary obstacle to large-scale adoption and reliance. However, it is not the only problem that they present for grid operation.

Relatively soon after they were first developed, electricity grids consolidated on alternating current (AC) technology, despite the fact that grid operation would be rather simpler with direct current (DC) systems. The adoption of AC was not a result of eccentricity on the part of physicists and engineers in pursuit of technical thrills: modern grids could not exist without it, and the disadvantages have long been accommodated and managed as a matter of necessity. Whatever might be said of its disadvantages, an AC grid is what we have, and an AC grid there shall be; modern DC transmission lines are a supplement, not a replacement.

Along with a basic requirement for balancing energy supply and demand, AC grid operation requires precise and consistent control of frequency and voltage. Deviation from acceptable values is more than a nuisance: connected equipment can operate improperly, and can be damaged."

En bra och begriplig förklaring till varför det inte är möjligt att ersätta vatten-, kärn- och kol/olja/gas-kraft med sol- och vindkraft till 100 procent.

Läs vidare på Net Zero Watch. 
