"Any competent virologist will tell you that if you want to reduce the risk of infection of a respiratory virus, increasing the level of mucosal IgA antibodies is required. And you want to increase the receptor binding domain (RBD) antibodies especially because these antibodies prevent the virus from attaching to the entry point receptors (ACE2) on your cells.
So any vaccine that reduces your risk of infection has to increase the secretory IgA antibodies that target the RBD on the virus.
Well you’ll never guess what happens to these critical “first line of defense” antibodies after you get vaccinated.
So I’ll tell you now: in everyone they drop, and in most people, they drop to unmeasurable levels.
That’s right. This paper clearly and unambiguously showed that the COVID “vaccines” make you more susceptible to getting COVID, not less. It’s a disaster. And it was as clear as night vs. day 2.5 years ago when this paper came out. If anyone was paying attention that is.
Of course, the authors didn’t notice. Nothing in the abstract about this finding.
Nobody in the medical community noticed.
Nobody in the mainstream media or the medical media noticed it either.
And, AFAIK, nobody in the anti-vaccine community noticed as well.
As far as I know, I’m the first one to point this out.
This paper should have ENDED the COVID vaccine program 2.5 years ago."
Alldeles oavsett rapporter om olika biverkningar av Covidsprutan verkar denna sannolik. Det kan förklara varför folk fortsätter att få Covid-19 även efter "vaccinering".
Läs också genomgången av Pfizers egna dokument som säger att: "De första fyrtiosex rapporterna innehöll enorma nyheter. Vi fick veta, att Pfizer inom tre månader efter lanseringen i december tvåtusentjugo visste, att vaccinerna inte fungerade för, att stoppa covid-19. Pfizers språk var »vaccinsvikt« och »bristande effektivitet«. En av de vanligaste »biverkningarna« i Pfizer-dokumenten är »covid-19«."
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