Dagens tips måndag 2024-06-24

The False East vs. West Conflict: A Puppet Show for the Masses

The Collaboration between Eastern Governments and Globalist Entities

Jun 23, 2024

"The pitfall that ensnares many political and economic analysts in their dissection of prevailing global paradigms is their unquestioning faith in the dominant narrative, a faith that blinds them to the discordant actions and utterances of political and economic leaders. Even within the freedom movement, a bastion of skepticism and media literacy, the malignant growths of assumption and bias often take root.

There are those within the freedom movement who are all too eager to swallow certain alternative mainstream narratives. They are quick to accept, for instance, that the escalating “conflict” between East and West is genuine, rather than orchestrated, or that Putin is waging a war against “woke western ideologies”.

One could present a litany of quotes and policy actions that demonstrate beyond doubt the collaboration between Eastern governments, including China and Russia, and globalist entities such as the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, and the U.N., all working towards the common goal of global governance and economic centralization. Yet, these individuals remain stubbornly deaf to such evidence.

They are hell-bent on casting the U.S. as the chief antagonist and the East as the valiant adversary. Their desperation for a glimmer of hope is so profound that they are willing to partake in the toxic fallacy of false dichotomies."

En analys värd att ta på allvar. Det är ju något som inte stämmer med den bild MSM och politikerna presenterar. Är detta svaret?

Läs vidare på A Lily Bit. 
