Dagens tips lördag 2024-01-20 (Extra2)

Disease X

Mycket bra av John Campbell! Lyssna på undertonen. Mina kommentarer i fet stil i texten nedan. 

"Disease X is looming 


The world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic, By mapping viruses with the potential to become the next “Disease X”, the global health community and governments can be more responsive the next time a pandemic looms. (Red.: D.v.s. Snabbare införa nedstängningar, begränsa rörelsefriheten och införa vaccintvång.)

 Global collaboration and adequate funding (Red.: D.v.s. Mer skattepengar.) are needed to improve pandemic preparedness and ensure fast action to keep a viral outbreak at bay “You can get a long way towards being able to produce something that will target a novel virus before that virus even emerges.” “It’s a virus that we don't know yet, but we do know is out there, (Red.: Om man inte vet så gissar man, men på vilken grund!) and we do know has the potential to spill over from an animal population potentially into humans, perhaps mutate or adapt itself and then begin spreading and killing people faster than we can contain it.” (Red.: Skrämselpropaganda! Har detta någonsin hänt i mänsklig historia? Inte ens SARS-Cov2 var ju värre än en vanlig säsongsinfluensa. Människor har faktiskt ett bra naturligt immunförsvar, om det inte manipuleras.....) … carrying out research and vaccine development (Red.: D.v.s. Bra för Big Pharma!) for known viral “families” that could impact humans – of which there are 25 – would give humanity a decided advantage over the next Disease X. (Red.: För att testa sådana nya vacciner måste det finnas riktiga virus att testa med. Alltså måste Big Pharma ta fram sådana genom "Gain of function" d.v.s. öka deras farlighet. Vad händer om de slipper ut? Vad hände i Wuhan?)"
