Dagens tips tisdag 2024-04-16 (Extra2)

How to Explain Technocracy to Idiots

A Brief, Straightforward Guide for Those Who Still Refuse to Understand

"Bill Gates' rise to power and influence is a story of unbridled ambition and the dangers of concentrated wealth and power in the hands of a select few. Through his tenure at Microsoft, Gates demonstrated a ruthless and calculated approach to business, employing predatory practices to crush competitors and dominate the market. Now, having amassed an immense fortune, Gates seeks to extend his reach even further, positioning himself as a global puppet master pulling the strings of humanity's fate.

Gates' vision for a global ID system is a thinly veiled attempt to establish a technocratic dystopia, where every aspect of human life is monitored, controlled, and manipulated by an elite class of technologists. This plan draws its roots from the early philosophy of Technocracy, which sought to reduce human beings to mere cogs in a machine, their value determined solely by their productive capacity and consumption habits."

En bra redogörelse för den framtid vi är på väg mot om vi inte reagerar och agerar. Vi måste byta ut politikerna till sådana som vill oss väl.

Läs vidare på Lily from A Lily Bit. 
