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Europe’s Food Crisis: No Farmers, No Food!

Byråkraterna i EU tycks inte ha fattat detta, om de ens fattat något (utom idiotiska beslut).

In an increasingly geopolitically unstable world, it is more important than ever for Europe to meet its own basic needs. This not only pertains to military defense, which is a hot topic right now, but also to the fundamental need for food. Meanwhile, European agriculture is facing immense pressure. In recent years, cities across the continent have repeatedly come to a standstill as farmers stage mile-long tractor demonstrations, with messages such as “No farmers, no food.” New episodes will drop every Wednesday at 18:00 (CET) here on YouTube. The series is produced by the Enviromental and Public Health Institute (EPHI), for more information go to https://ephi.se/en/100-eu/ About EPHI and Henrik Jönsson EPHI is a Swedish free-market think tank founded in 2021, producing podcasts, reports, seminars, and TV content. Its goal is to promote debate on how environmental and health objectives can be combined with a clear agenda for individual liberty and financial growth.

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