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The Grotesque Bird Flu Scam and How Colds or Flus Should Be Treated

Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor

Efter Covid-19 kommer……..

Story at-a-glance

  • A massive industry exists to prevent pandemics, but despite receiving billions each year, it routinely fails to prevent pandemics or provide viable ways to address those which emerge
  • This industry rests upon the lie that viral diseases cannot be treated, when in reality there are many effective, over-the-counter and unpatentable treatments for viral illnesses
  • The industry engages in cruel and unnecessary animal experimentation, which wastes billions each year and repeatedly creates the pandemics it is supposed to prevent due to how frequently lab leaks occur
  • The ”war against bird flu” highlights key issues within the pandemic prevention industry, where billions have now been spent killing over 100 million birds, yet all that has accomplished is raising egg prices
  • This article explores how many forgotten therapies can treat both severe viral illnesses and rapidly address common conditions like colds and flus

Almost every year, it seems a pandemic is hyped up. I would argue that’s because:

• They give federal agencies (e.g., the CDC) a way to justify their necessity and get Congressional funding.

• The media thrives off of hooking the public through fear and appeasing its sponsors (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry).

• It sustains a biodefense industry that uses fear to get a lot of money (e.g., 27.7 billion dollars in 20231) to ”prevent” pandemics.

• Tackling many of the real health issues facing our country requires confronting the vested interests responsible for them and addressing the underlying causes of chronic illnesses in the country. In contrast, going to war against a disease is far easier and receives minimal pushback but allows the government to present the facade of safeguarding our health.

As such, we will frequently see a myriad of dubious pandemic preventatives be pushed on us2 (e.g., the mass slaughter of livestock, the newest ”emergency” vaccine, or ineffective and unsafe antivirals like Tamiflu). However despite the pandemic failing to materialize or the preventatives failing to work, no one remembers, and before long the cycle begins anew.

Läs hela artikeln på Dr Mercola

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