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Aktuell 2025-02-27
Sajter, magasin, tidningar, video, poddar mm. De flesta har nyhetsbrev man kan prenumerera på. En del är inte helt utanför åsiktskorridoren.

Aeon – Since 2012, Aeon has established itself as a unique digital magazine, publishing some of the most profound and provocative thinking on the web. We ask the big questions and find the freshest, most original answers, provided by leading thinkers on science, philosophy, society and the arts. We are committed to big ideas, serious enquiry and a humane worldview.

American Thinker – is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. There is no limit to the topics appearing on American Thinker. National security in all its dimensions — strategic, economic, diplomatic, and military — is emphasized. The right to exist and the survival of the State of Israel are of great importance to us. Business, science, technology, medicine, management, and economics in their practical and ethical dimensions are also emphasized, as is the state of American culture.

Andreas Unterberger – En Österrikisk bloggare med kommentarer om Österrikisk och internationell politik på tyska (Das nicht ganz unpolitische Tagebuch und die vielen nicht ganz langweiligen Partner-Seiten). Bloggen har också en engelskspråkig avdelning.

Armstrong EconomicsArmstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Our mission is to research historical cyclical patterns and market behavior in timing, price and crisis to better understand and identify potential future trends, using an extensive monetary database and advanced proprietary models.

Big League Politics – Amerikansk, konservativ nyhetssajt.

Bizarro – Roliga teckningar och länkar till andra teckningar och serier. Finns också på Facebook.

Breitbart London – Anses vara långt åt höger med extrema åsikter om invandring men läsvärd ibland fast också med överdrifter.

Bright – väl innanför åsiktskorridoren men intressant läsning för dem som vill veta vad händer därinne. ”At BRIGHT Magazine, we tell stories about the world’s most pressing problems for the people who want to change it. We cover health, education, and gender with creativity, nuance, and a commitment to being solutions-oriented. Check out our work at brightthemag.com.” Bright är nu stängt men äldre dokument är tillgängliga.

Brownstone Institute – Vanligen mycket bra och intressanta artiklar. Brownstone Institute is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded May 2021. Its vision is of a society that places the highest value on the voluntary interaction of individuals and groups while minimizing the use of violence and force including that which is exercised by public or private authorities. This vision is that of the Enlightenment which elevated learning, science, progress, and universal rights to the forefront of public life. Presently, it is constantly threatened by ideologies and systems that would take the world back to before the triumph of the ideal of freedom.

The motive force of Brownstone Institute was the global crisis created by policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. That trauma revealed a fundamental misunderstanding alive in all countries around the world today, a willingness on the part of the public and officials to relinquish freedom and fundamental human rights in the name of managing a public health crisis, which was not managed well in most countries. The consequences were devastating and will live in infamy.

The policy response was a failed experiment in full social and economic control in most nations. And yet the lockdowns are also widely considered a template of what is possible.

The BurkeanThe Burkean is an online publication run by university students in Ireland that seeks to promote conservative ideals. Founded in Trinity College Dublin, The Burkean aims to be a nationwide platform for all Irish universities and Irish society at large. Our purpose is to provide intellectual content through acting as a publishing service for students to contribute their own views on local and general issues, especially those which are not otherwise represented by mainstream publications on a national or campus level. We also publish articles from non-student writers and conservative experts in their respective fields, so as to provide our readers with the widest range of quality material.

The Conservative Tree HouseThe Conservative Tree House may be called a Last Refuge for each of us for different reasons. Whatever trail through the woods brought us here, we have shared the turmoil of storms as we have been finding our voices as individuals in this growing community

The Daily CallerFounded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran journalist, and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is one of America’s largest and fastest-growing news publications. Our team of experienced, full-time reporters and editors works around the clock to deliver award-winning original reporting, in-depth investigations, entertainment, thought-provoking commentary and up-to-the-second breaking news.

Den Korte AvisDet journalistiske formål med Den Korte Avis er at levere bidrag i tekst og billeder, som er samfundsmæssigt væsentlige, menneskeligt vedkommende og underholdende. Vi lægger vægt på at formidle tingene i en kort, klar og skarp form.
Det sker i form af nyheder, analyser og kommentarer. Du kan få nyheder, der får dig til at hoppe i stolen. Du kan få Danmarks bedste politiske analyser. Du kan få meninger, som slår gnister – både fra redaktionen og fra debattører udefra.

Document.dk – Over hele Europa vokser et nyt højre frem. Det gør der fordi der ikke findes nogen konservatisme tilbage i de partier, der kalder sig konservative. Man kan også sige, at der ikke findes megen sand liberalisme tilbage i de liberale partier. Man har hverken villet bevare eller forsvare egen kultur ved at sætte grænser for andres.
Det giver en laissez-faire, en la skure-politik, der nedbryder sammenhængskraften i samfundet, og i stigende grad også lov og orden.
Läs gärna: Advarsel. Danskere slår hårdt ned på danskere, der tillader sig at kritisere Fredens religion.

Dokument.noDocument.no er et ledende nettsted for uavhengige og agendasettende nyheter, politisk analyse og tankevekkende kommentarer skrevet spesielt for den nye generasjonen av selvstendige og konservative tenkere. Rekommenderas! En bra artikel om Badevaktene på høyresiden har översatts av Julia Caesar. En annan artikel: Ingenting kan rädda det mångkulturella samhällsexperimentet i Europa skriven av Kent Andersen har också översatts av Julia Caesar.

Dr. John Campbell – My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and former clinical nurse based in England. I also do some teaching in Asia and Africa when time permits. These videos are to help students to learn the background to all forms of health care. My PhD focused on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally. Rekommenderas! Fakta och kunskaper om Covid och mycket annat.

The Epoch Times – Epoch Times är en internationell medieorganisation kopplad till Falun Gong som av flera oberoende media beskrivits ha en högerextrem inriktning, medan en oberoende mediagranskare beskriver den som ”höger, men kanske närmare centern”. Epoch Times ger ut nyheter via dagstidningar och på Internet under flera språk. Som nyhetstidning har Epoch Times publicerats på kinesiska sedan maj 2000. Den första engelska utgåvan började publiceras på internet i september 2003 och i augusti 2004 som tryckt tidning i New York. Epoch Times grundades av utlandsboende kineser som John Tang och utövare av Falun Gong som svar på att det inte finns någon oberoende kinesisk media i Kina. Företagets huvudkontor ligger i New York, men det finns även lokala nyhetsbyråer och journalister runt om i världen som samarbetar inom nätverket.Wikipedia (SV).
Epoch Times finns också på svenska: Epoch Times Sverige och kan rekommenderas för sin verklighetsrelaterade journalistik.

FEE-Foundation for Economic Education – FEE’s mission is to inspire, educate, and connect future leaders with the economic, ethical, and legal principles of a free society. These principles include: individual liberty, free-market economics, entrepreneurship, private property, high moral character, and limited government. FEE’s vision is to make the ideas of liberty familiar, credible, and compelling to the rising generation.

France 24 – Its journalists and correspondents offer viewers, listeners and Internet users comprehensive coverage of world events, with a focus on cultural diversity and contrasting viewpoints via news bulletins, reports, magazines and debates. 66 nationalities are represented among the group’s employees.

Gatestone Institute – A non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank is dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report in promoting:
Institutions of Democracy and the Rule of Law;
Human Rights
A free and strong economy
A military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world
Energy independence
Ensuring the public stay informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty and free speech.
Det finns artiklar om Sverige och det finns en svensk variant med artiklar på svenska som man kommer till om man klickar på svenska flaggan uppe till höger,

The Gateway PunditToday The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. The Gateway Pundit has 30 million page views each month (Stat Counter – Google Analytics). It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.

The Guardian – Nyheter från Storbritannien utan betalvägg. Läs om varför de inte har betalvägg: Katharine Viner: ’The Guardian’s reader funding model is working. It’s inspiring’. Tidningen har en vänsterprofil och är i allmänhet innanför åsiktskorridoren.

Huffington Post – Läsvärda artiklar.

Huvudstadsbladet – Kvalitetsnyheter från Finland, men inte helt utanför åsiktskorridoren, utan faktiskt numera ganska långt inne.

infowars – Islamkritisk sajt som drivs av Alex Jones. Infowar och Alex Jones har nu (2018-08-07) blivit avstängda från YouTube, Facebook och Apple då de anses bryta mot företagens regler. Mer info om detta finns här på CNET. infowars är fortfarande stängd. Läs mer om det här.

Jordan Peterson – Sevärda filmer på YouTube.

Journalisten – Journalisten skal være den publikasjonen som konsekvent og systematisk dekker journalistenes arbeidsvilkår, hverdag og fag.
Journalisten skal også være et samlingspunkt for mediefaglig og -politisk debatt, og gi en oversikt over de viktigste nyhetene fra mediebransjen – med utgangspunkt i redaktørstyrte medier. Journalisten utgis av Norsk Journalistlag og ble etablert i 1917 av Kristiania Journalistklub.

Kinamedia F.d. In Beijing. – Insiktsfull information om Kina av Jojje Olsson. Rekommenderas till den som vill ha en mer komplett bild av Kina än vad som återfinns i MSM.

Netavisen – Norsk konservativ nättidning med allmänna nyheter. Artikelexempel: Hatet mot Arbeiderpartiet – I kommentarena syns mycket av samma diskussion om invandringen som i Sverige.

Newspeek – Islamkritisk dansk klartext. Programförklaring: NewSpeek er et borgerligt medie. Vores bloggere, partnere og værter er påvirket af deres personlige holdninger og pakker det ikke ind i falsk neutralitet og forloren falsk objektivitet. Det er råt for usødet, ægte meninger og åbenhed uden skjulte dagsordener. Exempel på en läsvärd artikel: Europas undergang – Europa er i færd med at begå selvmord.

nomorefakenews – The Real News – By Jon Rappoport who has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years. Since 2000, Jon has operated largely away from the mainstream because, as he puts it, ”My research was not friendly to the conventional media.”

Medium – Ofta bra och informativa essäer och inlägg om allt möjligt. Lutar åt vänster.

The OutlineThe Outline is a new kind of publication founded by journalists and storytellers. We want to help you understand the world better, feed your curiosity, challenge your assumptions, and show you something new. We’re dedicated to telling the right stories for right now, and our coverage is focused on the increasingly complex confluence of culture, power, and technology. Verkar föga uppdaterad.

Politico – En europeisk version som fokuserar på EU av amerikanska Politico som beskrivs som: ”Politico, known earlier as The Politico, is an American political journalism company based in Arlington County, Virginia, that covers politics and policy in the United States and internationally. It distributes content through its website, television, physical newspapers, radio, and podcasts. Its coverage in Washington, D.C., includes the U.S. Congress, lobbying, media and the presidency.”
Wikipedia skriver om Ideology and influence: ”In a 2007 opinion piece, progressive watchdog group Media Matters for America accused Politico of having a ”Republican tilt”. In contrast, in 2011 politically conservative The Daily Caller declaimed Politico as having a pronounced liberal bias.
Despite these accusations, a 2012 study found that the percentage of Politico readers that identify as Democrats – 29% – is the same as the percentage that identifies as Republicans. As of 2018, the largely crowd-sourced analysis engines AllSides rates Politico as ”Left Lean” in terms of bias.
Multiple commentators have credited Politico’s original organizational philosophy – namely, prioritizing scoops and publishing large quantities of stories – with forcing more established publications to make a number of changes, such as increasing their pace of production and changing their tone.

Quillette Magazine – A platform for free thought. Now with Paulina Neuding, who – as European Editor – will lead the European branch of Quillette, sourcing articles on European culture that are of interest to international readers.

The Rebel Media – Jobbar för yttrandefriheten. Kanadensisk.

Recode – Aktuell och sammanfattande information om teknik- och IT-händelser internationellt med viss övervikt för USA. Ingår i Vox Media liksom The Verge.

Resett – Norsk nättidning till höger. Intressant läsning här och främst i kommentarsfältet.

rest of world – Reporting Global Tech Stories (Red. Intressanta artiklar, men hur är de finansierade? Har inte läst tillräckligt många artiklar för att kunna avgöra om det finns en agenda.)

Revolver News – Revolver News is a brand new website dedicated to news aggregation and analysis. While we greatly respect and admire Matt Drudge, the Drudge Report no longer has their finger on the pulse of America. We aim to fill that void, and much more. We are dedicated to providing Americans of all backgrounds and political persuasions with timely, common-sense, accurate and compelling information.

The Rubin Report – What is The Rubin Report? | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report.
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report describes what The Rubin Report is and why it is the best place to watch interviews with thought leaders, authors, comedians, and politicians from all across the political and viewpoint spectrum.
The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist.

Tucker Carlson Network (TCN) We’re building an alternative to legacy media. Tucker Carlson Network is the new streaming platform that is home to exclusive all-new content from Tucker Carlson. We will regularly be releasing new video content that tells the stories that matter and helps you make sense of the world around you. Mycket bra, rekommenderas!

Snapphanen – En dansk sajt med perspektiv och öppenhet.

The Spectator – Allmän omvärldsinformation och ibland om Sverige.

Tablet – Tablet is a daily online magazine of Jewish news, ideas, and culture. Launched in June 2009, it’s a project of the not-for-profit Nextbook Inc., which also produces the Nextbook Press Jewish Encounters book series. Ger en inblick i judisk-amerikansk världsåskådning. Oftast innanför korridoren.

Tessa Fights Robots – I am Tessa Lena, and I fight robots. Tessa Lena is a performing artist, writer, and philosopher living in the East Village of New York. Ett citat: ”If you own stock, if you are looking for a job, if you want to keep a job, if you want to get published, if you want to get a prestigious interview, and sometimes if you want to stay alive – you have to say just the right thing, palatable enough, harmless enough so as not to alert the gatekeepers of the Machine to your inadequacy or your sudden uncontrollable freedom.”

We Are Change – We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. Founded by Luke Rudkowski, We Are Change is comprised of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity.

ZeroHedge – Ger en Internationell utblick.